
the rooms of my life

i’ll be spending the month in los angeles directing pageant … because it’s a low-budget production, i’ll be staying with different friends, something i did a lot of in my very itinerant life in the 70’s … then at the end of that decade i met and moved in with bruce and have been shockingly “settled” since … this was written in the early 80’s

my life
could be a mansion
each room
would tell a story
this one was a tomb
that one touched with glory
short stays now forgotten
long days of solitary
some furnished in frivolity
or appointments quite contrary

but of all the rooms i’ve lived in
there are precious few
will ever be as special
as the room i share with you

the rooms where i’ve resided
have changed in random fashion
some were empty cells
some were filled with passion
houses by the ocean
motels and dormitories
apartments and the homes of friends
were settings for the stories

but of all the rooms i’ve lived in
there are precious few
will ever be as special
as the room i share with you

the room where we are living
is filled with pasts now blended
souvenirs of doubt
and triumphs which have ended
interior designing
based on recollections
of all the rooms inhabited
in our separate retrospections

and of all the rooms i’ve lived in
there are precious few
will ever be as special
as the room i share with you

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